Hearthstone expansion and mobile announced

Hearthstone was revealed to be getting Android and iPhone versions today by Blizzard today at PAX East. This version is currently in private alpha and being tested internally however Blizzard believe that Hearthstone will be coming to mobile users within the next few months. Fans of the incredibly successful card game will also be thrilled by the announcement of a new expansion."Blackrock Mountain" will be a single-player adventure and is due to include new bosses with their own unique skills and abilities along with 31 new cards. The new expansion is made up for five wings which will be unlocked on a weekly basis which can be purchased with in-game gold or money, 700 gold or $6.99 USD each wing.

Hearthstone was revealed to be getting Android and iPhone versions today by Blizzard today at PAX East. This version is currently in private alpha and being tested internally however Blizzard believe that Hearthstone will be coming to mobile users within the next few months. Fans of the incredibly successful card game will also be thrilled by the announcement of a new expansion.

“Blackrock Mountain” will be a single-player adventure and is due to include new bosses with their own unique skills and abilities along with 31 new cards. The new expansion is made up for five wings which will be unlocked on a weekly basis which can be purchased with in-game gold or money, 700 gold or $6.99 USD each wing.

Each of the new wings will unlock class challenges, bosses and new cards upon their completion. Preorders for the new expansion should be open from March 19 according to Blizzard ,which will require real money for purchase, and preorders will also receive a bonus card as well.

Several new card designs were teased by the game’s director Eric Dodds including a new dragon and a possible new addition to rogue decks.









The new Hearthstone expansion is due to be released in April however it does not yet have a set release date so this could be quite flexible still and hopefully the launch of this expansion is much better than the chaotic launch of Curse of Naxxramas where severs were overloaded. Fans are hoping that lessons were learned and that plans will be in pace to ensure the same debacle doesn’t happen for this expansion and potentially ruin the launch.

You can check out the full details about the expansion here at the official Blizzard Hearthstone news page.

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