Elder Scrolls Online was initially released April 4th 2014 for PC with the promise a console version would be released later that year for the Playstation 4 and Xbox One; however it was continuously put back.

Now at long last current generation console users will be able to play Elder Scrolls Online, assuming it is still on course for the 9th June console release. Console users will only need to purchase the game once and have an online account to play the game; while Elder Scrolls Online was initially released with a subscription on top of the purchase price the game went buy-to-play earlier this year.

Players have been told from the start that PC users will be able to move their accounts to the Playstation 4 or Xbox One once those versions were released. This is not too uncommon at the moment as console GTAV players are able to transfer their accounts to the PC version when it is released next week. However not all ESO PC players will have this option due to certain restrictions.

Those players who are eligible for the console transfer will need to fit within certain country restrictions which are different for each console; some Playstation 4 users may not be able to get a copy of the game on their console however they may be able to get a copy for a Xbox One version.

The only players legible to buy a discount digital console version are those who bought the PC/Mac version on or before the 30th June 2014. This mean any new users who have bought the game since then will not be legible for a discount console copy. The console price for those who are legible has been cut down greatly from the initial PC release price; users can purchase a console copy for $20 or £12.99. However those interested have until the 9th May to purchase a copy.

The process for the transfer should be simple by following the given instructions and will also leave players with a PC copy. The account will not be moved it will be copied however a number of things have been confirmed to be left behind on PC:

  • Guils
  • Mail
  • Friend List
  • Ignore List
  • Raid Leaderboard Status

And other items or features also. At least characters, gold, inventories and bank inventories will be copied across for players.

Articles found on the Elder Scrolls Online support website provide more details on the transfer.

There is no news yet about console transfers for players who have bought the game since the end of June last year so those players may need to buy, in full,  another of the game instead or receiving a discount.


Are you excited for Elder Scrolls Online on console? Are you transferring your account? Let us know in the comments below!

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