E3 is officially less than a month away and speculation about what is absolutely going to be there, what might be showing up and what is definitely not even coming within 500 feet of the show is in full force.

With just less than 30 days left for us to lay awake at night, thinking of what announcements might possibly be revealed at the show, let’s take a look at some things that would certainly get gamers excited, but unfortunately won’t even get the chance to.

The small New 3DS model will come to the US

According to Nintendo, bigger is always better (in America at least).

When the New 3DS was finally announced to be headed to the US earlier this year, Nintendo, being who they are, dropped a bomb along with it by revealing that America would only be getting the XL version of the new handheld, after already having watching almost every other country around the world get the choice at which version of the New 3DS they wanted. Not only would some fans certainly prefer the smaller, more compact version of the device, but the interchangeable faceplates for the outside of the system are only available for the non-XL version of the “New 3DS” (really, who came up with this name?)

Why it won’t happen: Nintendo’s reason for not releasing both versions of the 3DS in America was summed up by saying  “New Nintendo 3DS XL makes the most sense for our market.” Unlikely to change their mind in a matter of months, announcing the release of yet another 3DS iteration in the states may be seen by the company as more confusing to consumers than anything.

The Last Guardian is (officially) announced and dated

The Last Guardian is pretty much the nasty ex-lover of the video game world; just when you’re finally forgetting about them, you hear a rumor of what they’ve been up to while you were perusing the internet. Sony reportedly ‘isn’t worried about the holiday season,’ in terms of games, meaning something big must be planned. Revealing and even attaching a date to the long-awaited project from Team Ico could be a big chunk of news that would certainly get fans excited.

Why it won’t happen: Sony probably won’t let this one out of the bag until it’s absolutely being released for certain. Unless the game is set to hit store shelves this year, heading into E3 expecting anything about The Last Guardian could result in being let down yet again. Let’s pray they prove me wrong.

A Super Mario Galaxy 1&2 HD Remaster

While HD remasters don’t seem to be on the way out anytime soon, one remaster that fans have been begging to see is a 1080pWii U release of Super Mario Galaxy and its sequel. The two games were hailed as masterpieces by many when they released initially on the Wii with gorgeous graphics and phenomenal level designs.

Why it won’t happen: A release such as this may seem like a no-brainer for Nintendo, but just a few short weeks ago, the company released a non-HD port version of Super Mario Galaxy 2 on the Wii U eShop (that still requires motion controls), which pretty much means any hope of an HD remake of the Galaxy games has moved far, far away.

The PlayStation Vita gets a ton of support

It’s not news that Vita owners are critical of how Sony often treats the Vita. The system doesn’t get the AAA support fans feel it deserves, and even when it does, these games rarely remain exclusive Vita titles  (I’m looking at you, Tearaway). Sony would make a lot of gamers happy by using the V word a lot during their press conference, especially if it’s more than just in the context of  “cross-save” and “cross-buy.”

Why it won’t happen: Sony has all but come out and said that putting AAA resources into the Vita is simply not worthwhile. While the system could receive support in other ways, don’t expect the handheld to be namedropped a lot during the show, as Sony plans (and needs) to cover a lot of ground for the future of the PS4 and its upcoming titles.

Price cuts? 

Since the beginning of the current generation of consoles, PS4 has outsold the Xbox One for the majority of the months, with a few recent exceptions. PS4 remains at the original MSRP of $399.99, while the Xbox One has had a permanent cut to $349. Throw in some fantastic bundles, and both systems have really attractive options for consumers. Is the timing right for the PS4 to finally be getting cheaper – permanently or for a limited time?

Why it won’t happen: Despite losing to Xbox in April, PS4 is still selling phenomenally well, and is predicted to continue winning the sales war. For a console that many claim “doesn’t have games,” Sony has no reason to drop the price any time before they absolutely have to. Sadly, the same cannot be said for the Wii U…

xbox one ps4

As attractive as many of these seem, there doesn’t seem to be much hope for any of these announcements to show up when E3 roll around next month. Let us know if you agree or disagree, and tell us what you’re hoping to see! Check back here June 16-18 to see all the reveals from each and every company during the show.

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