Amiibo prototypes appearing on eBay

According to a recent tweet made by Amiibo News, several prototype amiibo have began to appear on eBay.The post shows supposed prototypes of Lucina, Jigglypuff, Marth and Donkey Kong being sold on eBay --poor Donkey Kong doesn't seem to be selling too well...

According to a recent tweet made by Amiibo News, several prototype amiibo have began to appear on eBay.

The post shows supposed prototypes of Lucina, Jigglypuff, Marth and Donkey Kong being sold on eBay –poor Donkey Kong doesn’t seem to be selling too well…

A closer look at Marth shows him wielding a flesh-colored sword.

This could mean one of two things:  Either the sword hasn’t been painted yet, or Marth has literally become ‘one with his weapon.’

Lucina also is shown wielding the same flesh-colored weapon.  Maybe the makers of these amiibo have seen one too many episodes of Parasyte…

The question now is this:  Are these ‘prototypes’ legit, or is some goon trying to make a quick buck on the internet?  Considering that there are endless scams on the internet, my first response would be that this is bogus.  After a little thought, however, the possibility that these are actually legitimate prototypes doesn’t seem too impossible.  Sure there are plenty of scams on the internet, but not everything is a scam.  These are just as likely to be real as they are fake.  The only way to know for sure would be to wait until some lucky customer gets their hands on a rare prototype or some unfortunate soul gets scammed.  So, it appears that now we will have to play the waiting game…


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