Destiny has been a roller coaster ride for me so far. From spending days and days in the game as a day one player enjoying the potential depth and scope of the it all to being utter devastated by the lack lustre DLC packs with recycled mission zones and replay grinds. Something still calls me back to it though. So, onto The Taken King. We all saw the reveal trailer at E3 and we were all shocked by the announcement that it’s going to cost a further $40. In response to the backlash about the price Bungie have said that “we plan to prove that The Taken King is more than DLC–it’s a game.” So let’s take a look at what’s in it.

Here is a list of what you can expect to see in the game straight from Bungie’s forums:

  • New story missions and an array of sidequests that conspire to tell the story of our battle to defend our Solar System against Oryx and his Taken army
  • New narrative driven by cinematic cutscenes starring an engaging cast of characters
  • New Exotic Weapons, Exotic Armor, and Exotic Questlines
  • The Dreadnaught, a full new destination, with unique secrets, rituals, and treasures to uncover
  • A new breed of enemy combatants, The Taken, armed with new abilities and weapons
  • An increased Level Cap, and new ways for your Guardian to grow more powerful
  • The most substantial injection of new, unique, and redesigned weapons, armor, and talents to date
  • New subclasses with all new Supers and abilities
  • New cooperative Strikes with unique and dynamic new Boss battles
  • Redesigned and reimagined Strikes – Dust Palace, Undying Mind, and Cerberus Vae III – are now overrun by the Taken
  • New Crucible multiplayer maps with new Crucible modes, including the previously revealed Rift and Mayhem
  • And, of course, last but not least, our biggest six-player Raid yet.

So there’s a lot to get stuck into there, I’m certainly looking forward to more story content and the new character sub classes look fun and interesting and should provide more scope to customize your character to your own play style. But I am instantly worried by features like redesigned and reimagined strikes, kind of sounds like rehashing old content to sell it again like the entirety of the last two DLC packs. Also the price tag. Destiny has already cost me more than pretty much any other game I own, does it warrant more money being spent on it? I’d love to hear your thoughts on it, let me know what you’re thinking in the comments below!


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