Star Wars Battlefront delay will not happen according to EA Exec

Star Wars Battlefront releases on console and PC this November. According to EA, that release date is pretty much set in stone.Speaking to MCV, EA COO Peter Moore speaks on the possibility of delaying Battlefront. He states that if need be, a game should be delayed. He then asserts, however, that Battlefront will not be delayed.

Star Wars Battlefront releases on console and PC this November. According to EA, that release date is pretty much set in stone.

Speaking to MCV, EA COO Peter Moore speaks on the possibility of delaying Battlefront. He states that if need be, a game should be delayed. He then asserts, however, that Battlefront will not be delayed.

He states: :”Yes, because you can’t ship it if it doesn’t work or the quality level isn’t right. You just bite the bullet. Trust me, shipping Battlefield: Hardline in March was not the easiest thing to do from a business perspective, but it was absolutely the right thing to do from a ‘players first’ perspective. We would have no compunction, no hesitation whatsoever, that if something was to go wrong with Star Wars Battlefront – if it wasn’t right – we would just push it. But that’s not going to happen.”

In the interview, Moore speaks on the mantra of putting players first, making sure that things get done in a “players first” manner.

“We have taken this mantra of players first. It is not just a tagline, it is not just something I will slap  on the wall outside of my office. Every meeting we have, we ask: ‘But is that players first?’ We have to make a lot of decisions about content and how it flows and user experiences, and we are a business, too, so we have to make money and pay our employees. We just need to figure out how to do that but do it in a players first manner. And I’d like to think you’re seeing the fruits of that now.”

Star Wars Battlefront releases on November 17th. The game will release on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The game will release briefly before the latest movie in the legendary franchise, Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.

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