Despite the film’s unquestionable success, Mad Max: Fury Road director George Miller, original creator of the Max character, has said he won’t be making any more films in the series.
Speaking with Page Six, he said, “I won’t make more Mad Max movies.” Fury Road “was forever getting completed. If you finish one in a year, it’s considered a leap of faith. Start, stop, start again.”
He continued, “I’ve shot in Australia in a field of wild flowers and flat red earth when it rained heavily forever. We had to wait 18 months and every return to the US was 27 hours. Those ‘Mad Maxes’ take forever. I won’t do those anymore.”
This comes as a surprise as it was discussed back in October that sequels to Fury Road were already in development. 2015 was a big year for Max. Not only did Fury Road release to critical acclaim, but Mad Max even got his own video game. Check out our review here.
Do you wish George Miller would make more Mad Max movies? Let us know in the comments.