Halo 5 developer 343 Industries has released a teaser for the upcoming Grifball in their latest community update. In addition to adding Grifball to the game, the developer will be adding a new map entitled “Torque” and a bunch of new REQs.
The new REQs include the Marauder, Decimator, Helioskrill Warbound, Helioskrill Bloodgorger, Jumpmaster Dispatcher, and Shinobi Heartless armor sets. The weapon REQs include Fury, the Last Dawn Assault Rifle Skin, and the Last Dawn Magnum Skin.
More update details will be shown off at the Hammer Storm Live Stream on Halo’s Twitch channel later today. The event will air Tuesday, February 23rd at 3pm PST. A quick look at the new map and armor can be seen in the slideshow below.
- Decimator
- Helioskrill Bloodgorger
- Helioskrill Warbound
- Jumpmaster Dispatcher
- Maurader
- Shinobi Heartless
- Fury
- Last Dawn
- Last Dawn