A trailer has been revealed for the first large Star Wars Battlefront DLC pack coming next week.

The DLC, titled Outer Rim, is shown off in the trailer, revealing four new maps taking place on Sullust and Tatooine, new playable characters as Greedo and Nien Nunb, and a ton of new weapons such as the Relby V-10 rifle, DT-12 blaster pistol, the Scatter Gun and Dioxis Grenade.

A new game mode is also included in the trailer called Extraction, where the Rebels must bring a shipment to a transport ship while the Empire attempts to stop them.

Outer Rim will launch for season pass holders of Star Wars Battlefront on PS4, Xbox One and PC on Tuesday, March 22nd, while it will be available for everyone else on April 5th for the price of $14.99.

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