Dataminer leaks almost all details of The Division
The Division came out today, but that didn't stop Reddit user itsgamerdoc from going on a data mine adventure only 3 days ago.Making a detailed Reddit post, itsgamerdoc shared what he had found while browsing files of The Division. The first weapon uncovered was the M87 Sniper Rifle, followed by the Remington 700 and AK74 Burst. Reddit user ChristianRiesen has started compiling two different lists, including a unique weapons list and a list of all current weapons.

The Division came out today, but that didn’t stop Reddit user itsgamerdoc from going on a data mine adventure only 3 days ago.
Making a detailed Reddit post, itsgamerdoc shared what he had found while browsing files of The Division. The first weapon uncovered was the M87 Sniper Rifle, followed by the Remington 700 and AK74 Burst. Reddit user ChristianRiesen has started compiling two different lists, including a unique weapons list and a list of all current weapons.
itsgamerdoc also managed to find story missions that take place in Brooklyn, and what appears to be the story script. He has found one of the DLC missions titled “Kill The Tank”.
itsgamerdoc also found a water plane, helicopter, and mini machine guns that can mount to both of them. As he says in his post, it’s awesome. If you’re interested in finding a more complete list, itsgamerdoc started a google doc spreadsheet for everyone to take a look at.
For end game spoilers, you can find another post here.