The June patch came out a couple of weeks ago and it set out to rebalance and change the way certain classes worked and their abilities. Of course, in many cases, releasing a major patch can lead to new problems arising, and such was the case for Destiny. A few days ago a hotfix was released to quickly deal with a certain issue that made it extremely difficult to get together with friends and play the game.

This issue was quite a predicament as it caused the Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris PvP events to be delayed and postponed; causing more headaches for not just for Bungie but to players who enjoy playing the PvP part of Destiny. Hotfixes are always just quick fixes on issues as they come around, as you can see there isn’t much else in the hotfix patch:

This patch is intended to eliminate some problems that players were encountering on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. This will result in the resumption of the regular schedule for Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris.

  • Fixed an issue that could occur when inspecting activities being played by a large number of friends
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent matchmaking into an activity that was being played by a large number of friends

With that out of the way, hopefully interruptions such as these will cease and Destiny players can back into the swing of things.

Destiny had announced their newest expansion ‘Rise of Iron‘ will be coming out this September and will depart from last-gen platforms.

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