Overwatch patch: Mercy won’t dominate Play of the Game

To those concerned with Mercy's overwhelming Play of the Game count in Overwatch, Blizzard's listening, and they've got you covered.Overwatch director Jeff Kaplan recently revealed that while Quick Play had evenly distributed Play of the Games across all characters, Mercy had far and away the most Play of the Games in Competitive Play, primarily because of how her Ultimate Ability (which revives all teammates nearby) was awarded points.Patch sought to address this issue, though the exact means are not detailed; we are simply told, "Players should now see fewer Plays of the Game featuring Mercy's Resurrection ability." Besides several bug fixes and interface updates, the other big change is that there's now "increased payload speed on Eichenwalde," which will certainly change the balance on the bombed-out medieval town.

To those concerned with Mercy’s overwhelming Play of the Game count in Overwatch, Blizzard’s listening, and they’ve got you covered.

Overwatch director Jeff Kaplan recently revealed that while Quick Play had evenly distributed Play of the Games across all characters, Mercy had far and away the most Play of the Games in Competitive Play, primarily because of how her Ultimate Ability (which revives all teammates nearby) was awarded points.

Patch sought to address this issue, though the exact means are not detailed; we are simply told, “Players should now see fewer Plays of the Game featuring Mercy’s Resurrection ability.” Besides several bug fixes and interface updates, the other big change is that there’s now “increased payload speed on Eichenwalde,” which will certainly change the balance on the bombed-out medieval town.

Full patch notes are available below, courtesy of Blizzard:


User Interface

Bug Fixes



Patch is now live.

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