A new trailer has been released for Farming Simulator 17. The video shows off equipment and a number of vehicles that will be available in the game.

Overall there are a total of over 250 vehicles and pieces of equipment, spanning from a variety of brands that are identical to their real life counterparts.

Players will have the option to customize many aspects of the vehicles. A post on the developers official Facebook page goes into further detail on these options. “For the more practical types, we’ve included the option to choose whether or not your vehicle is fitted with a front loader attacher. You can even decide what sort of engine you want your vehicle to be kitted out with. The engine you choose will alter how your vehicle performs with different tools – but keep in mind the most powerful engines come with suitably hefty price tags! You might decide that you want a certain set of wheels for a job. In Farming Simulator 17, you’ll be given the option of choosing different setups, such as wider or narrower wheels.”

Along with these new additions, This new entry into the series will be the first to give players an option to play as a female character, as well as the option to customize the clothing of your character and farm hands.

Farming Simulator 17 is set to release on October 25th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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