Following the release of Dishonored 2, Bethesda has acknowledged that some owners of the PC version are currently experiencing issues with the performance of the game on certain PCs. The company has recently highlighted certain methods that gamers can use to improve the game’s overall performance. On their official site, the publisher suggests that players try the following:

For general recommendations

  • Avoid using Alt-Tab when playing. Relaunch the game if you see performance dropping after using Alt-tab.
  • Avoid having background applications running in addition to the game.

As for Video Settings

  • If you have performance issues, try lowering the resolution.
  • Use 1440p resolution only if you have a very high-end GPU ( GTX 1070/1080 or equivalent)
  • Keep the V-Sync activated, especially if you have large framerate fluctuations.
  • If you have framerate under 30 fps, adjust the “Adaptive Resolution” between minimum (50%) and default value (75%).

Advanced Settings also include

  • Using the “Auto” presets:  this should adjust your visual settings without impacting your framerate.
  • If you still have performance issues with “Auto” presets:
  • Try deactivating the “TXAA Anti-Aliasing”
  • Try lowering the texture details

Bethesda also encourages players to contact their customer support service if they run into other issues involving the performance of the game. Dishonored 2 is now available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

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