Following the release of Final Fantasy XV, Square Enix has outlined its plans for the game’s future downloadable content. The company has announced a host of updates released during the first year of the game’s release will be free to all players who own the game.

In a blog post on the company’s official website, Director Hajime Tabata outlines plans for the game’s future, stating, “We want you to enjoy Final Fantasy XV for a long time to come. We have been listening to your ideas on how to make the game experience even better, and so in addition to the previously announced content, we’ll be providing free updates to the game throughout the coming year.” Square Enix’s first plans are to flesh out certain aspects of the game, such as adding gameplay enhancements for Chapter 13 and buffing ring magic.

Once these changes are implemented, the company then wants to move on to releasing story related updates. These updates are intended to add scenes that give players insight into certain aspects of the story such as character motivations. The company states that these additions will take time since these scenes will need to be localized and voiced in other languages.

When it comes to long term goals for Final Fantasy XV, the blog post states, “we are looking at making certain key characters playable, and even considering the possibility of customizable avatars, in addition to other features over time.”

The company also plans to incorporate a New Game Plus mode along with low-level runs and a god mode. Players can expect to see new bosses with exclusive rewards and achievements, and limited-time hunts.

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