Steam reveals top sellers and award winners for 2016

It may be hard to believe, but it is now 2017. We have seen a lot of history unfold before our eyes in 2016, including a new presidential election and the loss of numerous well loved celebrities. This past year has also been great for the video game industry. It's time now for all the PC gamers to gather and look at all the wonderful titles that saw great success on Steam.First, let's take a look at the top selling games on Steam for 2016. These are all the titles that have reached platinum status this past year.

It may be hard to believe, but it is now 2017. We have seen a lot of history unfold before our eyes in 2016, including a new presidential election and the loss of numerous well loved celebrities. This past year has also been great for the video game industry. It’s time now for all the PC gamers to gather and look at all the wonderful titles that saw great success on Steam.

First, let’s take a look at the top selling games on Steam for 2016. These are all the titles that have reached platinum status this past year.

That certainly is a fantastic list of games to try out for yourself, if you have not already. While the developers of these titles should be very proud of their accomplishments here, Steam has also given out a number of awards themselves. These awards are not exactly conventional, but they are certainly charming and it is an honor to receive one yourself. Check them out below.

With 2017 here, we can’t wait to see the release of some more amazing titles to reflect back on a year from now.

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