It may be hard to imagine, considering just how long it has been in stores, but the online community of GTA V is still running strong. Players want to complete their missions, win in their Adversary Modes, get some money, and buy more and more awesome vehicles, weapons, or anything else. Rockstar Games wants to celebrate their continued success going into 2017, so they are giving back to the player. Get ready for some bonuses to keep you going strong in GTA Online.
From now until February 13th, Adversary Modes Juggernaut, Vehicle Vendetta, and Lost vs Damned will all be giving away double GTA$ and RP. With all of that extra cash, what can players spend it all on? How about %50 off Executive Offices, %25 off limos, Buzzard, and Cargo Cob, %25 off pistols, snipers, and light machine guns, or %25 off vehicle warehouses?
Seems like the steps are right in front of you to become a real icon in GTA Online. These bonuses are coming as a little incentive and reminder that if you are on the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, you only have until March 6th to transfer your data over to an Xbox One, PlayStation 4, or PC. If you want the true GTA experience, you’ll want to play on one of the latest and most advanced consoles, so don’t miss out.