Gamespresso Journalism

Xbox One Elite launches today

The Xbox One Elite is releasing today alongside the Xbox One Elite Controller, both of which have substantial improvements compared to the base models. The Xbox One Elite uses a SSHD 1TB drive, which allows fo... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Jar Jar Binks was the Phantom Menace

Jar Jar Binks is known as the Star Wars franchise most hated character. Part of the first trilogy (chronologically) Jar Jar Binks is seen in episode I, II, and III. The Phantom Menace often regards Palpatine to... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Fallout 4 gameplay footage leaked

Reported by Eurogamer, someone leaked early footage of Fallout 4 onto the website Pastebin. There were 4 videos uploaded in total to Pastebin, all of which containing spoilers for the upcoming game. For those ... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Halo 5 aiming changed since Beta

One of the professional testers for Halo 5, GH057ayame, or Ghost, took to the Team Beyond forums to address the notable difference in aiming from Halo 5's Beta to Halo 5's current multiplayer. According to Gho... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Four new Shenmue 3 screenshots released

Ys Net has released a 3 month update to Shenmue 3 on Kickstarter, releasing four new screen shots. The screen shots are of 2 different battle tests, 1 house test, and 1 conversation test. The game is currently... Read More...