Gamespresso Journalism

October's Games with Gold now live

For those with an Xbox Live Gold membership, you know that the rewards are much more then online gaming. Games with Gold gives you 4 free games a month. With 2 Xbox One games and 2 Xbox 360 games a month, Octo... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Play Guitar Hero Live at Gamestop

Over 3,000 stores will be participating in the Guitar Hero Live demo at Gamestop. The promotion, exclusive to the USA, will allow gamers to come in and try Guitar Hero Live on October 3. The game will release ... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Valve blames developer for VR sickness

Chet Faliszek took the stage at EGX to address something on a lot of gamers mind: VR motion sickness. "We have people come in who don't want to do demos. In a party of ten people there will be someone who says... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

COG_Slime talks about 323 controversy

For those of you that skipped watching the Heroes of the Storm America's Championship last weekend, you missed an interesting match between Cognitive Gaming and Cloud9. During the match between the two teams, ... Read More...