Gamespresso Journalism

Call of Duty in space likely won't happen

Over the years we've slowly but surely been running out of locations for First Person Shooters - we've battled the axis in the trenches of WWII, fought in modern-day combat and future cities all across the glob... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Gearbox CEO rips critics

At a recent keynote address at the Development Conference, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford gave a little insight into how a leader in the gaming industry handles criticism. “If you're making entertainment on a gra... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Amazon Prime Day outsells Black Friday

On July 15, Amazon celebrated "Prime Day," a day of great deals meant to honor the company's 20th anniversary. Despite criticism that the deals were not worthwhile, Amazon announced on Thursday that it had sol... Read More...