Gamespresso Journalism

Bethesda not pushing for Skyrim 2

Fresh after the recent Bethesda E3 press conference, Pete Hines, the company’s VP of marketing and PR, has said his team are currently not working on Skyrim 2 and have no plans to start anytime soon. In a rece... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

EA willing to delay Battlefront

EA's COO Peter Moore has assured fans that if there are any development problems, then EA are willing to delay the release of Star Wars Battlefront.  There are worries that because of the films release, the gam... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Rumor: Battlefield 2143 Possibly Leaked

Someone over on reddit dropped a bombshell today, claiming that Battlefield 2143 exists and is in the process of development. Just how true this is no one knows yet. They did also drop 3 images which they cla... Read More...