Gamespresso Journalism

Destiny Weekly Reset: 6/16/15

It's another new week, and that means another Destiny Weekly Reset. With it, there comes new  Weekly Heroic and Nightfall strikes and Prison of Elders challenges. Are you ready? For the Weekly Heroic strike, y... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Destiny Hot Fix: 6/15/15

If you've been sucked into the hooplah that E3 brought to the gaming community, you may have returned to Destiny to find Bungie applied a Hot Fix to the game. Update directly affects Skolas in the level... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

No Mass Effect remaster on the horizon

EA today announced that there are currently no plans to bring a remastered version of the critically acclaimed Mass Effect trilogy to current-gen consoles. Speaking with Game Informer, EA's Patrick Sodurlund n... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

E3: Ranking the press conferences

As a bit of a disclaimer, these opinions are completely my own, and I am only ranking the 7 major press conferences at E3.  This may have been one of the best E3's I have ever seen. The developers and game stu... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

2015 Steam Summer Sale: Day 7

Welcome back to the Gamespresso coverage of the Steam Summer Sale. It's officially rolled over to day 7 now and there's a whole host of new daily, flash and monster community event bonus sales! Today's selecti... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Xbox One Kinect games in development

Many Xbox One owners were surprised by the lack of focus and time spent throughout the Microsoft E3 press conference on the Kinect. There was no reference to the Kinect throughout the show, leaving many to ques... Read More...