Gamespresso Journalism

Destiny Item Manager

When I play Destiny, I usually find myself having to take a trip to the Tower or the Vestian Outpost to switch out weapons or armor I may need for an activity. This is a normal occurrence for most players, but ... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Warcraft: Take a tour of Hellfire Citadel

As Blizzard prepares to launch patch 6.2 of World of Warcraft the testing continues on the public test realm. We've covered little bits about the new raid for this patch, Hellfire Citadel, already but thanks to... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

New Warcraft clothing line

Blizzard has teamed up with UK clothing company, Wild Bangarang, to bring an all new line of clothing out based on World of Warcraft. They plan to release a collection of leggings, enforcers, blitz shirts, dres... Read More...