Gamespresso Journalism

Humble Nindie Bundle affects eshop charts

The Humble Nindie Bundle has been enjoying a lot o success and positive feedback from the community involved, despite the limited availability of regions such as Canada, America and some Latin American countrie... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Returning to Resogun

Resogun is a free-to-play PSN game that became available at launch for the PS4, and still remains to be the most simply enjoyable of most indie games out.... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Rocket League to offer cross-play

Rocket League, the “rocket-powered car sports” game by Psyonix, will be joining an elite few when it releases on July 7th, 2015. It will be one of few to offer cross-play support between its available platforms... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Metal Gear Solid V gets new screenshots!

Metal Gear Solid V may very well turn out to be the most controversial game slated for release this year, but to fan the flames a bit, we are treated to a bit more of D.D. in the form of new screen shots! Than... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

A Shot of Gamespresso – AAA Vs. Indie

Hello everyone! Welcome to the fourth episode of Gamespresso's brand new show "A Shot of Gamespresso". Join Luis , Davis and Mike as they discuss AAA Vs. Indie titles with previous guest, Patrick Nguyen. Stay t... Read More...