
Gamespresso Journalism

Shortlist for young Han Solo revealed

Fans of Star Wars are being treated to a number of movies in the near future, with a Han Solo based origin film being one of them. Disney and LucasFilm have auditioned over 2,500 actors for the role of a young... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Warcraft trailer made even better

The Warcraft movie has been talked about and put into development for years now. When the first feature trailer was finally released, fans rejoiced to see characters they've grown to love over many games come a... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Netflix has hidden genres

Netflix has almost single-handedly changed the way people watch movies, television shows, and the way we "chill" at home. Often times when we find the strength to move on, the streaming service recommends something to us and it makes us feel like it was made j... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Pacific Rim 2 officially shelved

Even though Pacific Rim was one of 2013's best films, grossing $411 million world wide, it seems as though the film's sequel has been put on the bench for good. Prior to this, the film was pulled from its origi... Read More...