
Gamespresso Journalism

Star Wars fans want George Lucas back

With J.J. Abrams at the helm, Star Wars: The Force Awakens has taken the franchise and launched it back into the hearts of people everywhere. While most people are happy with how things have turned out under th... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Ridiculous 6 is number 1 on Netflix

There has been a number of stories surrounding Adam Sandler's latest film, The Ridiculous 6. Many Native Americans walked off the set when they thought their culture was being disrespected. Today, however, good... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Netflix teases two new original shows

Netflix continues to offer an impressive amount of original programming through their streaming service, and has released trailers for two more shows that will join the roster. The Get Down is a show set in the 70s, as the description reads, "Told through the... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Ready Player One could be close to getting its villain

Steven Spielberg is adapting the popular science fiction novel, Ready Player One, for the silver screen. When creating a film out of a book, it is very important to get the cast right, as you'll need great talent to bring these in depth characters to life. And... Read More...