
Gamespresso Journalism

Will Star Wars take over the world again?

Star Wars is one of the biggest names the entertainment industry has ever seen. Some would even say it's the biggest. When the first Star Wars film came out in 1977, it launched an endless barrage of sequels, p... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Nintendo TVii to be taken offline in August

Remember those nights sitting up watching Nintendo TVii? No? Me neither... According to a recent post on the Miiverse, Nintendo will be shutting down Nintendo TVii on August 11th. This also unfortunately means that the TVii Miiverse community will no longer e... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

#PS4Share of the week!! #3

With the addition of the sharing feature to the Playstation 4 capture gallery, the internet is filling up with fantastic pictures captured from gamers' everyday experiences. Each week we'll be taking a look at the best, funniest or just most bizarre pictures f... Read More...