Xbox One

Gamespresso Journalism

Evolve Patch 1.1 Available for Xbox One

Turtle Rock has just announced via Evolve's official Twitter that Patch 1.1 is now available for Xbox One players.  This patch is said to address issues with lost save data, matchmaking and invites, and also a ... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Fable Legends does free-to-play right

Free-to-play games have an interesting stigma attached to them. Because the base game comes free, it generally means the developer and publisher will have to come up with some other way to make money, usually through micro-transactions. Fable Legends, Lionhead... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Why do people pick the consoles they do?

Early this week Nielsen, the consumer research firm, released a note on their findings from a study done recently on the purchasing habits of those taking the dive into the new generation of consoles, asking both for the reasoning behind the new purchases and ... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Xbox Podcast Episode 1 Steve and Alex discuss ScreamRide, Rise of the Tomb Raider, World of Tanks and more in the first episode of the Xbox podcast. Steve also inco... Read More...