Xbox One

Gamespresso Journalism

How Screenshots Will Work on Xbox One

Microsoft's Major Nelson recently announced that the Xbox One's March Update is in preview, and comes with the long-awaited screenshot feature, among others. Some Xbox One owners were concerned after the initia... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

World of Tanks Rolls Onto Xbox One

You can probably count on one hand the number of free-to-play games that were actually any good/popular on the Xbox 360. In fact, you could probably count on two hands the total number of F2P games that were ev... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Do We Still Need Video Game Magazines?

It's typical of time isn't it? As it moves forward more and more gets left behind, struggling to keep up and eventually collecting dust. Video game magazines - despite remaining in existence - are not nearly as popular as they once were, so I ask you this - wh... Read More...