Gamespresso Journalism

Witcher 3 exploit gets you infinite cash

Within a few days of the game's launch, a major exploit for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has already been found that grants players an infinite amount of money by killing cows mercilessly. The exploit, not a glitch, was discovered by YouTube user WhatsMyGame who ... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Heavensward dungeon crawl and job actions videos

The upcoming expansion, Heavensward, for Final Fantasy XIV is still hiding its specifics, but two new videos from Square provide opportunity for speculation. The upcoming paid expansion is said to drastically increase the content available to players. Previous... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Vietnamese cosplay for Dota 2 is spot on

Cosplay has been around for years, cosplay for Dota 2 heroes have been around for years too. What impresses me is that it's such a global game with following even in a country where the internet connection is s... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Loot improvements in Warcraft

As we continue to get ever closer to patch 6.2 for World of Warcraft more and more changes to game are surfacing in the public test realm. Blizzard recently announced that they are aiming to revamp the current loot system in raids. If you've been playing the ... Read More...