
Gamespresso Journalism

PlayStation Now Games for March 2015

Announced on the PlayStation Blog today, five new titles have been added to PlayStation Now, PlayStation's automatic game streaming service. PlayStation Now offers two different subscription plans: a monthly pl... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Battlefield Hardline Premium is announced

EA and Visceral Games have confirmed that the Premium service from previous Battlefield titles will be coming to Battlefield Hardline.  The exclusive membership program will cater to the die hard fans of the ga... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

First game announced for SteamVR

SteamVR has had it's first game announcement and it probably isn't what you were expecting. There has only been a 7 second teaser video and 3 images released so far to confirm the release of Job Simulator created by Owlchemy Labs; set in the not too distant fu... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

The Vanguard of Nosgoth

Nosgoth has a new human class and it's caused quite a stir inside of the community despite this being only the second class to be released since the game entered open beta on steam. The main reason for this is... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Call Your Mutti finally comes to Beatbox 0.1

Everyone loves IKEA. They have cheap furniture, bright colours (cue heavenly music), and apparently really good meatballs. But they also have a sense of humour. Reddit user Voodoocode  recently posted images of games that he found at his local IKEA that struc... Read More...