PlayStation 4

Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1 lets you play as a pigeon

Battlefield 1 might be a WWI FPS, and DICE might be a development studio that pays great attention to its source material, but that doesn't mean you can't play as a pigeon. When playing through the mission "Through Mud and Blood," a cutscene will occur in w... Read More...

Overwatch now has over 20 million players

Overwatch has been a staggering success, and the latest numbers prove this even further: Overwatch now has over 20 million registered users. This is even more impressive when considering that the game released in May, and as of August they had 15 million pl... Read More...
Earth's Dawn players

Earth’s Dawn is coming to the west

The Japanese 2D hack-and-gun Earth's Dawn (originally Earth Wars) is coming to the West very soon, with physical and digital release. Rising Star and Dracue software's Earth's Dawn is most immediately notewo... Read More...

Battlefield 1 multiplayer has a new medal system

Battlefield 1 will use its multiplayer medals to get players to focus on one style of play at a time. Players must choose the medal they are going for from a list of five randomly generated medals, and they are only able to work towards one at a time. You a... Read More...