Gamespresso Journalism

Fallout 4 guidebook revealed

So with Fallout 4 looking to be a big, big, BIG game with lots to see and do, we're going to need a guidebook. Lucky us. Strategy guide makers Prima Games has announced it's own official Fallout 4 guidebook ti... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Fallout 4 advanced home builder gameplay

Despite Bethesda's focus on roleplaying, their games have always lacked an interactive home builder. Players usually buy a house then pay merchants for various upgrades like chairs, beds, and storage space. This formula made for boring houses that never really... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Fallout 4 is "basically done"

Marketing Executive at Bethesda, Peter Hines, has stated that Fallout 4 is "basically done." This comes after countless requests of new features to be included in Fallout 4 by fans. Hines says that it is too la... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Fallout Anthology revealed at QuakeCon

With Fallout 4 having been announced to come out this fall, gamers all around are excited to get their hands on the post-apocalyptic adventure. Bethesda doesn't want anyone to forget about the previous Fallout ... Read More...