Gamespresso Journalism

Fallout 4 listed for 2015 by Amazon

According to Amazon, Fallout 4 could arrive in your hands before 2015 ends. The massive online retailer is the latest addition in a long line of clues that are pointing to a 2015 release for the game from Bethesda that was revealed just last week. The Amazon ... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Fallout quick play With Fallout 4 recently announced, it's high time that we look back at some of the decaying roots of the series. While most people would think that I'd be playing Fa... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Pre-order Fallout 4 on PC for only $46

Thinking it is too soon to pre-order Fallout 4? Not at this price! Let's be honest, we are all massively excited after THAT announcement trailer, the hype is undoubtedly high already. With 4 years since the initial release of Skyrim, we were all desperately w... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Fallout 4 officially revealed with trailer

Fallout is one of Bethesda's most popular RPGs and, along with The Elder Scrolls, is one of the franchises that really distinguish the company from others. With Fallout: New Vegas being the last installation in the series nearly 5 years ago, and two Elder Scro... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Countdown appears for Fallout 4

Just moments ago via Twitter, Bethesda posted a link to the countdown site with a #pleasestandby. The site shows the iconic 'Please Stand By' against the classic nuclear fallout TV background. The clock expire... Read More...