Gamespresso Journalism

Top 10 wishes for E3 2015

E3 2015 is just around the corner which means gamers are shortly going to be enjoying a plethora of announcements, trailers and more whilst journalists will struggle to keep up with everything. Here's my top 10... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Bethesda at E3 predictions and hopes

For the very first time, Bethesda is going to be holding its own E3 press conference and it's all going down on June 15th! Seeing as how this is the first time the developer and publisher giant has ever held th... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

What I want to see in Fallout 4

Fallout 3 is one of my favorite games of all time. It is one of those games you can simply sink your time into for hours at a time and be completely immersed in the setting. The vibrant atmosphere of the post-apocalyptic wasteland, the Wild West feel of the fi... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Powers Episode 9 “Level 13” Review

With only a single episode to go in the season following tonight’s chapter, things in Powers are starting to definitely come to a head. Like every episode, tonight’s is available exclusively over the PSN, and i... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Bethesda Announces an E3 Press Conference

This year’s E3 is adding one more seat at the big kids table. Joining Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, EA, and Ubisoft, Bethesda Softworks has announced they too will hold an E3 press conference. Scheduled for June 14th, just five days after the publisher’s soon-t... Read More...

Bethesda games insane discounts until Wednesday

Bethesda has made its way to become one of the most successful 3rd party developers in the gaming industry. Being in control of such series as Fallout, Doom, Elder Scrolls, and more, it seems like everyone can find something they can enjoy from this major comp... Read More...
Summer Games Done Quick

Summer Games Done Quick details arrive

While breaking video game records and speed running through classics is excellent for bragging rights, it can also be used to help a lot of people in need. That is exactly what Summer Games Done Quick will be d... Read More...