Gamespresso Journalism

Xbox Deals with Gold this week revealed

As they do each week, Microsoft has revealed its latest Deals with Gold for the Xbox One and Xbox 360. This week has a lot of big names for cheap, so don't miss out while they're available. Xbox One owners can get a bundle with Wolfenstein: The New Order and ... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

2015 Steam Summer Sale: Day 9

Day 8 is over and the Steam Summer Sale is officially onto day 9 with a bunch of new great sales that are bound to interest. There's even a few more franchise sales today which is nice to see again considering... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Humble Bundle encore sale final weekend

The Humble Bundle spring sale is almost over and it's going out with a bang; the final weekend has a huge encore sale. Among the random games that were on sale certain companies had much larger sales such as Bethesda, Rockstar and Telltale on different days. ... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Top 5 scariest settings in video games

Video games are more than just mindless entertainment.  They are a gateway, much like books and cinema, to other worlds.  If a video game is done well it can suck you in and take you to places you’ve never imag... Read More...
apocalypse now

Apocalypse Now to become a video game

One of the most iconic movies of all time, Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now, is to be made into a computer game.  Involved in production are some of the top games developer talents behind big titles like F... Read More...