Gamespresso Journalism

Fallout 4 gameplay details from E3

Bethesda has revealed some gameplay details about their upcoming title Fallout 4 during their E3 press conference today. They didn't reveal much about the story itself, but what they did show looks very promisi... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Why no Fallout 4 for PS3, 360?

Earlier this week, Fallout fans were ecstatic when Bethesda revealed the next title in the series, Fallout 4, which is set to come out on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Hearing those systems on reveals an... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Fallout New Vegas completed in under 30 minutes

The gaming world is currently suffering from a major case of Fallout fever – if it's managed to escape your attention – Fallout 4 was officially unveiled a few days ago with a pretty substantial trailer, one which has garnered mixed reactions and sparked a big... Read More...