Gamespresso Journalism

PlayStation Plus turns 5 years old today

They grow up so fast. To celebrate the 5th year anniversary of PlayStation Plus, Sony is surprising original subscribers with a little something special. Those who have been with the service since its launch ... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Shenmue III: Live Q&A happened last night

Shenmue III's Kickstarter page has been updated, detailing stretch goals that reach up to 11 million. The update also includes information as to when it was decided that Shenmue III would be receiving a Kicksta... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Sony speaks on why the PS TV did not sell

The PS TV released in North America in October of last year. The device promised to give gamers a wide variety of options, allowing gamers to play PlayStation Vita games and stream media. Sadly, it did not fare well. Now, Sony president of worldwide studios Sh... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Shenmue III funded by Sony

Shenmue III was announced for Kickstarter yesterday, and within a few hours managed to hit its goal of 2 million dollars. The Kickstarter itself has a pretty low goal, for the past Shenmue's having such a high development cost, at $99 and $176 respectively. T... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

5 ways Sony made you drop your jaw at E3

Sony was the last conference of what can only be described as an extremely long day for everyone in the gaming industry, but the PlayStation E3 press conference did exactly what it had to: it focused on games. ... Read More...