Gamespresso Journalism

The new Witcher 3 patch is out now

Another patch as been released from CD Projekt Red to try and tackle what's left of the bugs, glitches and crashes in The Witcher 3. The update, which is being referred to as a hotfix rather than a patch, fixes... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

The Witcher 3 has more players on GOG than on Steam

CD Projekt Red's The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has proven to be a popular title among players, selling 4 million copies of the game in just 2 weeks. The PC copies of the game are included in that sum, but it seems that most players didn't purchase the game through ... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Dark Souls 3 to be released early 2016

Earlier in the week, we had found leaked screenshots and design concepts from a video by The Know. However, many were expecting the announcement to occur sometime during E3 next week. However, sources at IGN ha... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Mass Effect 4 maps will be balanced

So far, the details for Mass Effect 4 have been pretty scarce. The plot has been leaked, Multiplayer has been confirmed, and we know it won't be an exclusive for the Xbox One. That being said, (small) details regarding the map have been talked about via Chris ... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

What was your favorite Fallout 3 moment?

With the recent announcement of Fallout 4 - you may have missed it, it went under the radar - many of us Fallout fans have wisely returned to the Wastelands for one last time by revisiting Fallout 3. This got me thinking; there are so many amazing moments both... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Fallout quick play With Fallout 4 recently announced, it's high time that we look back at some of the decaying roots of the series. While most people would think that I'd be playing Fa... Read More...